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Whatsapp Vum Ride | WhatsApp Channel

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Vum provides the fastest and safest way to book rides in and around your city, connecting you with professional taxi drivers, dispatch riders, keke operetors and okada riders. We are a reputable company leveraging automated platforms available on Google Playstore and AppStore - providing users with easy access to transportation and Logistics services. Vum offers a comprehensive mobility solution. Whether you need a ride from a top-rated driver, a dispatch rider for your parcel, or a quick scooter escape from traffic, we-ve got you covered. Enjoy a comfortable journey to your destination in minutes

We recommend that you do not share any private data within the group. 18892. Enjoy the group and share only legal material. Enjoy your group 18892.
Group only for people from NG
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whatsapp groups   Business

Group only for people from NG

whatsapp groups   NG Abuja

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